List Your Art Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Name of the art piece(Required) What story does your art piece tell? (500 characters max)(Required)Does it come to life through Artivive?(Required) Yes No Upload a high quality image of your art piece(Required)Max. file size: 100 MB.Max dimensions it can be printed in in high quality(Required)Upload titl brush tilt sketch file for your purchasers to enjoy your piece in VRMax. file size: 50 MB.Link to AR for your purchasers to enjoy your piece in AR through their phones Do you have an AR/VR experience to list? Yes No Name of the experience Location DescriptionDuration Max people allowed per tour?Do you want to learn how to create an experience with your art to showcase and sell your work and make money from ticket sales? Yes No All artwork will be priced at $100 each because we are only selling the digital files(Required) Agree We collect 10% from all of art and experiences sales purchased through our platform(Required) Agree Terms and Conditions(Required) Agree Click here to read terms and conditions